We are Committed to an Inclusive and Anti-Racist Nightingale

多样性、公平和包容 are at the core of our purpose and work at Nightingale. We are committed to ensuring that all students feel empowered to thrive and that all races, 种族, 宗教, 性取向, and gender identities are respected and 有价值的.

皇冠体育app一直致力于教育所有走进我们蓝色大门的人的思想和心灵,这是培养批判性思想家和富有同情心的公民的关键. Our work is a lifelong commitment to fostering a supportive, 在这个反种族主义的社区里,所有当代和未来的学生都受到赞扬和肯定. Together, we are strengthening our work and our impact for Nightingale’s second century.


Meet Our 多样性、公平和包容 Team

皇冠体育app的多样性, 股本, and 包容 work is led by the Assistant Head of School for Diversity and 股本, Johara希利, 还有一组部门协调员, 他们都引导皇冠体育app社区的成员更清楚地了解我们在公平和正义工作中的每个角色. Ms. 西利与三个部门公平协调员合作:梅根·韦斯特曼(低年级图书管理员)在低年级, Zahra Ruffin (中学 Associate) in the 中学, and Ladane du Boulay (Modern Languages Faculty) in the 上学校.

The DEI team believes strongly that advancing 股本 work, 在蓝色的门里面和外面, is a shared responsibility and lifelong journey. Beginning with self-reflection and emphasizing community care, 公平协调员在各自的部门内开展工作,以培养和维持包容性, 有意的, 公平的社区. In collaboration with the Assistant Head of School for Diversity and 股本, 协调员提供了一个公平为中心的观点,在所有方面的规划,旨在使社区成员在快乐的学习, 批判性思维, 个人代理. 他们的工作包括构建编程, 课程开发, holding office hours for students and 专业社区成员, supporting student-led initiatives like the inclusivity boards and affinity spaces, and working towards professional community accountability through leadership and coaching.

“作为一个团队, 作为一个机构,我们将以下价值观作为我们使命和愿景的核心:差异是力量的源泉和成长的手段, the elevation and empowerment of student voice, and the pursuit of 股本 for the betterment of all. We believe in 构建ing a community where students, 专业社区成员, 家庭可以保持原样, 而不妥协. We believe in empowering students to share their experiences and speak truth to power. We are committed to elevating and centering their voices moving forward. We are committed to creating a community where all are seen, 听到, 有价值的, 并被赋予独特的途径去超越. 我们相信,这样做,我们的工作促进正义内外的校舍.”

"We are committed to creating a community where all are seen, 听到, 有价值的, 并被赋予独特的途径去超越."


We are creating a more equitable model for belonging.

随着我们继续响应皇冠体育app第二个世纪的号召,建立一个更具包容性的学习环境, 我们正在采取全面的方法,以确保每个学生都有信心,他们属于. Our work is informed by input from our community and leading experts in diversity, 股本, 包容, 教育, 以及恢复性实践.

We Are Fostering an Anti-Racist Environment

皇冠app安卓下载安装, 我们正在不断评估我们的政策, 程序, and protocols to ensure that the Schoolhouse is a truly anti-racist space. We are actively engaging experts in diversity, 股本, and 包容 to recommend curriculum updates, 提高招聘的多样性, 为教师提供资源,以加深他们对公平素养的认识,并通过包容性项目和学生和校友的亲和团体加强归属感. 成功将继续需要我们社区所有成员的反馈和参与. 一起,我们将达到更高的境界.


我们相信,一个反映我们所生活的世界的课程是教育下一代批判性思想家和富有同情心的变革者不可或缺的. 每年, 我们的系主任深入研究了我们的教学方法和课程,以开发更符合文化的课程. 整个校舍的课程作业将被更新,通过一个整体的镜头来探索有色人种的生活经历,以打破任何一种经历都是单一的观念. 教师们正在介绍更多有色人种的作品,同时确保这些作品的正常化, 非标记化的, 在课程范围内. 我们定期检讨评分方法,以促进公平,并允许学生承担风险而不受惩罚.

We are Recruiting and Retaining a More Diverse Faculty

我们致力于确保我们的教师能够反映他们所教学生的不同背景和经历. Our commitment to antiracism is included in all hiring and admissions materials, 包括所有与我们雇佣的人签订的合同. To help recruit a more diverse and representative faculty and staff, 皇冠体育app与传统的黑人学院和大学以及专门从事员工多样性的组织合作. All incoming faculty meet with our Student Hiring Committee, consisting of students voted upon by their peers and Johara希利, our assistant head of school for diversity and 股本, 这是标准面试程序的一部分.

We Are Holding Ourselves Accountable to Our Community

We want every member of the Nightingale community to feel celebrated and empowered. 以确保我们的创作经久不衰, 可持续的变化, 皇冠体育app进行了一项气候调查,并正在整合其他教育机构的最佳实践,这些机构在包容性和公平性方面有着良好的记录. 我们正在创建一个独立的偏见事件协议,以确保学生可以轻松地报告微侵犯或种族主义行为,这些行为将得到透明的处理. 学生手册已经过修订,更明确地包括对学生的保护,并反映出我们对种族主义的绝对不容忍, 歧视, 和micro-aggressions. The Nightingale community’s engagement is essential to this work, 我们继续更新我们的学生, 家庭, 教师和校友定期.



皇冠app安卓下载安装, we believe that the core principles of Diversity, 股本, 和包容是我们学生在整个社区的教育经历中应该建立的基本价值观.


早在幼儿园, 我们致力于教育我们最年轻的思想和心灵,让他们了解拥抱和庆祝文化多样性的重要性, 语言, and identities throughout our community and our world.


Developing Comfort, Connections, and Courage in the 中学

当学生们定位自己的身份,更多地了解他们同学的文化和经历时, we believe it is important to provide outlets for expression, 探索, and appreciation of one another’s histories and heritage.


Empowering Catalysts for Social Change in the 上学校

当我们准备让年长的学生成为皇冠体育app大学的领导,当他们走出我们蓝色的大门, 我们致力于为围绕种族话题的批判性参与提供机会和责任, 股本, and social justice that empower our students to be catalysts for social change. The following resources and initiatives are designed to support these conversations:



Our commitment stretches beyond the blue doors

我们的家庭在皇冠体育app营造反种族歧视环境的工作中至关重要, 在学习中, and in reinforcing our lessons on cultural competency and anti-racism at home. 下面的小组和资源为我们的父母提供了更深入地参与这项工作的机会.

  • 家长协会DEI培训

    我们家长协会的成员参加了多元化培训,以帮助家长志愿者参与关于无意识偏见影响的对话,以更好地理解, 构建, and sustain strong relationships in our community.

  • 有色人种女儿的父母(PODOC)

    PODOC致力于为所有认为自己有有色人种女儿的父母创造一个安全开放的空间. Through 构建ing community through fellowship, 分享共同经验, and developing strategies to support their daughters along their social, 情感, 以及学术之旅, 父母们努力寻找积极的方法来确保他们的女儿在皇冠体育app学习期间和之后在社交和学业上取得成功.

  • 家长讲座系列 & Diversiteas

    这些系列节目为家长提供了参与和提高他们自己对影响社会问题的学习的机会, 情感, 以及他们孩子的学业努力.

  • 埃里卡·哈格曼·罗宾逊陛下基金

    Erika Hageman Robinson Majesty基金致力于支持和加强学校的多样性, 股本, 以及包容性倡议. 这个基金, 由于校友的参与而创建, is named in honor of Erika Hageman Robinson ’75, the first Black student to have enrolled at Nightingale in 1965.

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